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The Vulnerated Body

The Vulnerated Body is a collection of essays written by Maria Angélica Melendi, one of the most important names of theoretical reflection, and a critic of Latin American visual arts. In the book, the scholar and researcher explores the artistic production in South America that centers the body, whether it is to display its face, vulnerated by historical violence and oppression, or as a form of resistance, strength of invention or fabulation.

Edited by Eduardo de Jesus, the collection encompasses the radical performances of Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis, the embroidery of Arthur Bispo, Feliciano Centurión and Leonilson, the relationship of Oiticica with the marginalized and the city expressed in his work, the political questions of the feminine in the work of Anna Bella Geiger, Lygia Pape and Lygia Clark in the context of the Brazilian military dictatorship, the work-installation #rioutópico by Rosangela Rennó, the work of Paulo Nazareth, among others. By “thinking of the South as a state of body” and not as a “state of mind”, the author presents a dense and intriguing vision of the contemporary relationships between art and politics.

About the author
Maria Angélica Melendi was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She lives and works in Brazil since 1975, and has a PhD in Comparative Literature from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1994-1999). Between the years of 1986 and 2015, she was a professor at the University of the State of Minas Gerais (Guignard School) and the Department of Visual Arts at the School of Fine arts of UFMG. She was a researcher for Radical Women: Latin American Art (Hammer Museum – Los Angeles; Brooklyn Museum – New York; Pinacoteca – São Paulo) and Giro Gráfico (Reina Sofia Museum – Madrid; MUAC-UNAM – Mexico City). She coordinates the research group Estratégias da Arte na Era das Catástrofes. In the last years, she has been researching the relationships between visual arts, literature and politics in Latin America, focusing on the strategies of memory, a subject she has already published articles about in books, papers and academic magazines. Among her publications are the following books: Art Strategies in a Disaster Era (Cobogó, 2017); Imagen, memoria y archivo en Rosângela Rennó (Brasiliana, 2024); and, currently, The Vulnerated Body (Cobogó, 2024).

Title O corpo vulnerado [The Vulnerated Body]
Author Maria Angélica Melendi
Editor Eduardo de Jesus
Language Portuguese
Page count 344
Publisher Cobogó
ISBN 9786556911342
Design Flávia Castanheira
Format Softcover
Size 13,8 x 21 cm
Year 2024

O corpo vulnerado | The Vulnerated Body
O corpo vulnerado | The Vulnerated Body
O corpo vulnerado | The Vulnerated Body
O corpo vulnerado | The Vulnerated Body
O corpo vulnerado | The Vulnerated Body
O corpo vulnerado | The Vulnerated Body
O corpo vulnerado | The Vulnerated Body
O corpo vulnerado | The Vulnerated Body
O corpo vulnerado | The Vulnerated Body
O corpo vulnerado | The Vulnerated Body
O corpo vulnerado | The Vulnerated Body
O corpo vulnerado | The Vulnerated Body





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